Some clothing for fall season :)
::::: *GF*[Mesh] Classic Dress "Vivian" :::::
This is mesh product. long sleeve, scallop collar dress.
in 7 colors, Mod/Copy/No-trans, 300L$ each. (fat pack: 1200L)
Rigged mesh items can NOT RESIZED. Try DEMO before your purchase, to be sure it will fit your body.
::::: *GF*[Mesh] Boater Hat :::::
This is mesh product. Felt hat with bow.
Mod/Copy/No-trans, 300L$. (18 color changeable via HUD)
This is MESH product. You need mesh enabled viewer.
::::: *GF* Basic Color Tights :::::
very simple, non-sheer color tights.
Mod/Copy/No-trans, 120L$ each. (2 kind 21 colors pack... 21col = 120L! low-priced ;D)
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