Sunday, March 14, 2010

New release ::: Classic Dress & Maxi Dress and more

I released new clothes :)

::::: Classic Dress " Julia" :::::
Beautiful rose pattern dress with ruffle collar.
In 9 colors, Mod/Copy, L$300 each (fatpack available)
**black/white is RFL donation item until 21th.

::::: Maxi Dress "Mellow" :::::
Maxi length dress with corsage. This can use as classic style swim wear.
rose or leaf pattern.
In 7 colors, Mod/Copy, L$300 each (fatpack available)
**pink is RFL donation item until 21th.

::::: Off-shoulder Chiffon Tops, garbera :::::
Add 3 new colors, garbera pink, orange and blue.
These 3 are RFL donation item until 21th.

::::: Rose Fairy (new 4 color) :::::
Add 4 new colors, orange, peacock, powder pink and raspberry.
Mod/copy, L$380 each. (no fatpack. sorry!)

*G Field* main store :